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test test test

18 Apr

Reblogging is fun

Reblogging is fun

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18 Apr


one more test blog

9 Apr

by oz

Hihi oz test

9 Apr


27 Mar

Raanan Bar-Cohen

In the physical world, when you shop at a bodega you don’t instantly compare it to an experience at a high-end Dean & DeLuca. When you purchase headphones at the airport, you don’t compare it to the selection and speed of buying something at B&H.

But when we consume digital services or buy stuff online, something radically different happens — at least to me. I get very disappointed when any service doesn’t deliver what the very best service out there is doing. It’s to the point where I change my behavior or try to convince others to adopt the very best. It’s unfair, and doesn’t mirror the offline world, but it’s happening and I suspect it’s driving lots of consumer behaviors these days.

For example, when I purchase any physical product online, I expect shipping to take 2 days max, maybe even just one day. Which is what Amazon/Zappos has…

View original post 210 more words

28 Feb

The Elusive Self

A shorter form of this review might be appearing in The Psychologist at some point, but I thought I’d post the whole thing here so that books on consciousness can fill some stockings this Christmas…

At the beginning of The Ravenous Brain, Daniel Bor reminds us “There is nothing more important to us than our own awareness”. Western society’s focus on brain, rather than cardiac, death as the natural endpoint to a meaningful life is testament to this assertion.

But only 20 years ago, consciousness science was regarded as a fringe endeavour. Now, particularly in the UK, consciousness is going mainstream, spearheaded by the Sackler Center for Consciousness Science at the Universtiy of Sussex, where Bor is based. Of course, in varying degrees, all psychologists study consciousness: attention and working memory are core components of high-level conscious function. But only recently has a deeper question been tackled: how…

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another post to reblog hahah

28 Feb

teset test tetst

new post to reblog

28 Feb


and another one

28 Feb

ha hi hoo

123 123

28 Feb
